Saturday, June 20, 2009

Gulai Fish

Ray is demanding for Gulai fish few days ago. I do not like to cook this because I cant cook a better curry as he did.

Preparing for curry

1. 1 prompet fish, about 1 kg

2. Cherry tomato (vege eg ladies finger, egg plant etc)

3. 2 onion, slice in ring

4. 5 cloves of garlic, slice

5. 2 table spoon sugar

6. 1 teaspoon of salt / light soy sauce

7. 2 table spoon Adabi fish curry powder + 1 table spoon dry chili powder in 1 cup of water

8. tamrine in golf ball size with 2 cups of water

9. 3 table spoon coconut powder in 1 cups of water

10. 1 cup of water (if needed)

Step 1 : Fry the fish, put aside

Step 2 : Heat the cooking oil, fry the sliced onion and garlic, put aside

Step 3 : Fry the curry powder + chili powder in water for 15 minutes in slow fire until it turns to red

Step 4 : Add in the fried onion and garlic, fry for another 5 minutes

Step 5 : Add the tamarine water

Step 6 : Add in sugar, salt, and lastly the coconut

Step 7 : Add the fish and cherry tomato until it boil

Ready !

Forgive me for not showing the picture this time. I have just realise I didn’t take a picture when I was washing the dishes. And I blamed Ray because he was rushing me to get him the dinner when we were back from an evening walk!! I will definitely repost the picture when I cook this again next month.

p/s: We were arguing about ‘gulai’ and ‘kari’. I really cant tell what is the different between gulai and curry, perhaps is only language and I would preffered to name it Gulai Fish…


安东尼 said...

My sweet babe,我想介绍 你一个很出色的blogger,他写的很好,你应该看他的评论。


安东尼 said...

可爱的babe,本来我以为只要打开你的blog,只可以听一首歌,I'am your,今晚无意中又听到另一首歌You are beautiful.这两首歌都很好听呢。你真的是一个很有学问的漂亮女孩,我觉得你的Ray很幸福呀。


安东尼 said...

对了,可爱的Babe,刚刚才想到,不是我太talkative,我想听中文歌曲,最好是张惠妹的,不知道你可以把她的歌曲放在你的blog吗?张惠妹是台湾最好的歌手,my idol呢。要是能够在你的blog听她的歌,多好。而且,你也有点像她呀!


安东尼 said...

Angel Babe,I am glad to inform you that I have created my own blog finally.Without any people's assistance,I create my own blog by myself.Below is my blog's address,hope that you can leave some constructive comments in my blog.Thank you in advance.
